Thursday, November 12, 2015

Pondering Life Moments: Fast Food

In the fabled magical land of jacked up trucks, glorious chemical plants, and a plethora of prestigious institutions of higher learning known as the Mid-Ohio Valley, I found myself sitting in the comfort of my own valiant vehicle known as Bonnie idling in line. As I gazed upon the luminous ora of the intoxicating lights at this wonderful and popular establishment that had managed to draw in quite a congregation both in its lobby and drive through, a curious thought began to percolate inside my mind. Beefy 5 layer burrito or cheesy potato burrito? (Just kidding, that was easy: cantina power bowl, chicken, no guac or whatever that green ooze is they call guac) (WAIT, IS THAT THE GREEN OOZE THAT COULD TURN ME INTO A TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE????) 
Speaking of 90s nostalgia, remember the Burger King Kids Club? Good times, good times. 

Oh, right, the thought that percolated in my mind: 
The name "fast food" doesn't really make sense. 

It was not the fact that the average time at our regional Taco-Bell is an astounding 14 minutes (whether you order 10 quesarito burrito big-boxes or 1 tiny cheesy roll), but rather the fact that fasting is a lack of food. If fasting is not having any food, then what is fast food? Wouldn't fast food then be no food, since that is the food of fasting? Breakfast is breaking your fast with waffles and coffee, or just coffee. So what happens if you break your fast with fast food, but that's truly no food so you didn't break your fast, so you had no breakfast? 

Or maybe it is a warning that fast food is really worth nothing nutritionally, but I digress. 

So here is what I'm thinking: why don't we give it a name that actually fits what fast food truly is? Why don't we call it "full-food"? Or "cheap eats in timely fashion"? "Grease for the least"? 

One of these might catch on, or they won't. Regardless, you can now get a chance to break your fast all day at the golden arches. That's something, no matter how fast or slow the line may be, we all need to take advantage of. Thanks Obama. 

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