Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pondering Life Moments: Get Off the Wall

This past week I was walking through our local extravagant mall with a friend of mine....ok, you got me. Let's rephrase that: 

I was killing time after work by going to the mall and looking at some records. FINE, YOU GOT ME. 

I had no life so I was wandering aimlessly through the rinky dink mall like a puppy through a Budweiser Super Bowl commercial. While I was hiding the plethora of Beatles vinyls around the store in the name of the Rolling Stones, I noticed an older couple follow a teen with a lovely Mohawk into the store. I thought nothing of this random scene until I heard the older man look to his wife and say "Wow, that is off the wall". 

This led me to ponder a moment. Why do we call something that is peculiar or unusual as "off the wall?"  Think about it. What all tends to be off of the wall? 

Beatles records once they have been ruthlessly thrown across the store. 

How are these things "crazy?" Maybe I'm being too silly. Lets observe what is commonly on the wall then. 

Posters made to draw your attention to a movie. 
Signs that are intended to grab you and let you know about what a wicked deal they're having at Dunkin Donuts. 
A man in red and blue tights climbing like a spider, man. 
"Sentence enhancing" words on the walls of a bathroom that, when quoted back to your Mother with your 4 year old lips, results in a quick slap to the face, grounding from your favorite Thomas the Tank Engine toys, and an immediate turn to your Father and a shout of "I TOLD YOU WE CAN'T LET HIM BE WITH THE JOHNSONS SO MUCH!"

These things are anything but normal (unless, of course, you're Stan Lee, in which case...more power to you along with more responsibility). For the rest of us though, what's normal is being off of a wall. Gravity has a funny way of keeping us nice and grounded as people and away from any semblance of levitation ON a wall. 

So here's my grand proposal: lets try and live a life that is truly off the wall. Why don't we look at our lives, and instead of seeing it as "boring", "mundane", and "blah", and see it as actually being off the wall? Why not make "off the wall" more of a celebration of what we take for granted instead of something that is bad or crazy? 

Live your life "off the wall", because is there really any other way of living it? 

-Raymond Morris 

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